
Showing posts from August, 2017

This Week in the Trump – Russia Investigation. 8/26/17.

Politico : “ Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said Saturday that President Donald Trump's pardon of former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio could reverberate in the Russia investigation … Trump-aligned witnesses might be inclined to not cooperate with investigators, since the president has shown his willingness to pardon allies. ” The pardon may also be a test to see how the country reacts to an egregious pardon. CNN : “ Congressional investigators have unearthed an email from a top Trump aide that referenced a previously unreported effort to arrange a meeting last year [during the campaign] between Trump campaign officials and Russian President Vladimir Putin .” MSNBC : Special Counsel Robert Muller subpoenaed grand jury testimony from PR executives tied to Paul Manafort.