Trump-Russia News 1/13/19.

CNN: “Paul Manafort met with a Russian-linked operative named Konstantin Kilimnik during the course of the 2016 campaign. And in that meeting … shared polling data about the 2016 campaign.”

Slate: “What Rod Rosenstein’s Looming Departure Means for the Mueller Probe.”

Politico: “The FBI’s Blockbuster Probe of Trump’s Loyalty.”

Independent: “Trump denies working for Russia and lashes out over media reports.”

Washington Post: “Trump has concealed details of his face-to-face encounters with Putin from senior officials in administration.”

USA Today: “Members of President Donald Trump’s campaign and transition team had more than 100 contacts with Russian-linked officials, according to an analysis by the Center for American Progress think tank.”

The Guardian: “Trump’s attorney general pick raises fears of a president above the law. Senate hearings set for William Barr, author of controversial memo some say suggests he will undermine Robert Mueller.


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