Trump-Russia Investigation. The Week in Review. 11/25/17.

New York Times: “A Split From Trump Indicates That Flynn Is moving to Cooperate With Mueller.”

Reuters: “Flynn may be able to provide insight into three major areas of inquiry…[1] collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia…[2] money laundering and other possible financial crimes by Trump aides…[3] whether Trump sought to obstruct justice when he fired former FBI Director James Comey.”

Washington Post: “If Flynn is cooperating, it can only be because he has information to offer Mueller on someone more important than himself…that group may consist of Jared Kushner and Trump.”

ABC News: “Travels by Trump campaign adviser Carter Page to meet with senior officials in Hungary during the 2016 presidential election are being closely examined by congressional investigators given the increasingly close ties between Hungary and Russia and the role of the country as a hub for Russian Intelligence activity.”

ABC News: “Robert Mueller’s team investigating whether President Donald Trump sought to obstruct a federal inquiry into connections between his presidential campaign and Russian operatives has now directed the Justice Department to turn over a broad array of documents.”

Special thanks to for this last story. I use them after my research is complete to insure that I haven’t missed anything. They are a good, thorough source of all Trump-related news.


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