Trump-Russia Investigation. The Week in Review. 11/19/17.

CNN: “Jared Kushner told congressional Russia investigators that he did not communicate with WikiLeaks and did not recall anyone on the Trump Campaign who had…But Kushner did receive and forward an email from Donald Trump Jr. about contact Trump Jr. had with WikiLeaks.”

The Atlantic: “Donald Trump Jr.’s private Twitter correspondence with WikiLeaks adds significant detail to the emerging picture of a political alliance between the Trump campaign and Russia in 2016. It provides evidence of criminal violations of federal campaign-finance rules, which prohibit foreign spending in U.S. elections.”

Vanity Fair: “Christopher Steele told a reporter that one real-estate deal might be key to understanding the collusion case…zero in on the president’s foreign real-estate deals.”

NBC News: “Kushner failed to disclose outreach from Putin ally to Trump Campaign.”

Politifact: House presses Jeff Sessions on Trump campaign’s Russia ties…New details about Session’s knowledge of campaign outreach efforts to Moscow came to light when Special Counsel Robert Mueller unsealed the guilty plea of former Trump campaign foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulos.”


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