Trump-Russia Investigation. The Week in Review. 5/20/18.

New York Times: “Trump accused the FBI…without evidence, of sending a spy to secretly infiltrate his 2016 campaign…In fact, FBI agents sent an informant to talk to two campaign advisers only after they received evidence that the pair had suspicious contacts linked to Russia.”

CNN: “Five times an incendiary pro-Trump claim on Russia fell flat.”

Vox: “Republican-run Senate Intelligence Committee says…Russia tried to help Donald Trump win the 2016 election—and Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his government to do so.”

Reuters: “Robert Mueller has subpoenaed a key assistant of long-time Donald Trump adviser Roger Stone.”

Time: “Rudy Giuliani Just Conceded That the President Can Commit Obstruction of Justice.”

Politicus: “Trump’s former aide Steve Bannon sought to use personal information collected online to promote “a culture war,” a whistleblower on now-defunct political data firm Cambridge Analytica told US senators.”

Wall Street Journal: “Mueller Probe Expands to Israeli Entrepreneur With U.A.E. Ties.”


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